Disappointed Customer

Dear Tom Johnson and Richard Sainsbury,
I just today received a phone call and an email from Mobena Gilarty stating that Newsfax are refusing to print my publication which was set to go to press on Tuesday 28 June. the refusal to print was on the basis that the operations manager has a problem with the content. Newsfax printed this exact same publication in June 2009. The publication is funded by The Arts Council of England, The Danish Arts Council and London Centre for Arts and Cultural Exchange. It was originally distributed at Tate Modern free of charge and at Goldsmiths University of London. The publication is not obscene; it is an academic arts newspaper. I cannot believe that a company that takes money for printing newspapers has refused to follow through on the services that you offered as a business. It is extremely unprofessional that you would refuse to reprint and especially at such short notice. 


Oriana Fox


We were scheduled to do a reprint of The Moon next week, but I just got a call from Newsfax (the same company that printed it in back in 2009) saying they have a new operations manager who won't allow it to go to press due to the content.