The Truth Will Set You Free, But First It Will Piss You Off / Role Model of the Day: Gloria Steinem

My mom sent me an article this morning which lead me to click on this relatively recent interview with Gloria Steinem. I was intrigued by the the host Marlo's nose-job and the rinky-dink set-up of this low-fi chat show. Maybe there's a model for 'The O Show' here. Also of interest is Steinem's 1992 book Revolution from Within: A Book of Self Esteem which has "passages that come dangerously close to the banalities and pseudo-spiritualism of the self-help manual". Sounds like a must-read.


Denes, M., 2005, 'Feminism? It's hardly begun', The Guardian, 17 January.



3 responses
If Marlo had gotten her Dad’s, Danny Thomas’s nose, ( it make sense as to why she would have wanted to have a nose job, perhaps at a very young age. . Marlo Thomas is one of the early feminist having created Free To Be Me and You, issued initially in record album and illustrated book form in November of 1972..

Free to be You and Me, became a cult classic across the United States for children of New Age parents in the 1970s. It was at the time, a groundbreaking concept for 1960’s parents who needed help exposing their children to gender bias and it is as relevant today as it was then. It gave us the help we needed to let little boys know that they could still grow up to be strong men if they cried, It’s alright to Cry”, and little girls might come to an unfortunate end if they insisted on a “Ladies First” position in life.

After a very long and popular run book and recording have been recently re-mastered in DVD and hard cover format perhaps to influence a new generation of children
Angela Fox.

If Marlo had gotten her Dad’s, Danny Thomas’s nose, ( it make sense as to why she would have wanted to have a nose job, perhaps at a very young age. . Marlo Thomas is one of the early feminist having created Free To Be Me and You, issued initially in record album and illustrated book form in November of 1972..

Free to be You and Me, became a cult classic across the United States for children of New Age parents in the 1970s. It was at the time, a groundbreaking concept for 1960’s parents who needed help exposing their children to gender bias and it is as relevant today as it was then. It gave us the help we needed to let little boys know that they could still grow up to be strong men if they cried, It’s alright to Cry”, and little girls might come to an unfortunate end if they insisted on a “Ladies First” position in life.

After a very long and popular run book and recording have been recently re-mastered in DVD and hard cover format perhaps to influence a new generation of children
Angela Fox.

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